Saturday, January 2, 2010

Basic Tips On How To Get Your Ex Girfiriend Back

By Jeremy Sullivan

Relationships get into trouble for many reasons but it usually ends with a fight. The first step in how to get your ex girlfriend back is to wait until the intense feelings of the break-up fight have subsided. When feelings have settled down on both sides, there is an opportunity to discuss the things that are causing problems in your relationship.

Opening once again the flow of thoughts between you, sitting down in a little quiet cafe for a little lunch together or just coffee is a great place to start talking again. Your timing for all of this is paramount. Trying to leap into a big discussion when feelings are still raw is not a good idea. How to get your ex girlfriend back may depend on reaching that perfect place of open communication in your connection.

After the lines of communication are opened again, it is time to show your sweet side and let romance flow. Romance can be bringing flowers or a box of candy but it may me something more personal like something special that touches her own special interests. She may have a hobby or collection you might want to address or perhaps you could buy a ticket to a concert of her favorite band. Whatever you decide, it should be done with a gentle and personal approach.

You really need to take some time for yourself and think about your relationship. How to get your ex girlfriend back may hinge on your own needs for the direction you want your relationship to take. If you can figure out what you feel went wrong in your relationship with her, you have a chance to correct mistakes. Your own feelings are important and you should know how you are feeling before approaching your ex girlfriend for a new beginning for the two of you.

Create a list of the things that you feel have caused problems and divide it into categories. List in a separate column the things that you feel are your fault or your responsibility. Go over your completed list and disregard those things that are clearly out of your control to fix. Take an objective look at the things you feel responsible for and see if a pattern emerges. These are the things you can work on to correct. Repeating these things will only result in yet another break-up once you are back together.

When you do approach your ex girlfriend, begging for her forgiveness is really not your best option. Taking responsibility and saying you are sorry is positive. Begging or acting like you are desperate will not make her want to take you back. It may have quite the opposite effect. A better approach is suggest a few positive ways you will plan to make your relationship better this time around.

Your first meeting to begin talking about getting back together needs to be kept very personal. Leaving a phone message or texting her is not personal and may just be a real turn-off for her. Also, your relationship issues are strictly between you and her. Your family and your friends may legitimately have excellent ideas about how to get your ex girlfriend back into your life but you really do not need to get them in the middle of things. Keep it intimate.

In the end, it does take a lot of time and work to build a solid relationship. This is just the way it is for everyone. How to get your ex girlfriend back is to spend time working on your communication and your feelings about each other. Doing this will keep your relationship going for the long haul.

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