Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How To Get Your Girl Back With This Simple Tips

By Zack Faust

If you are here reading this then I am assuming your girlfriend made the horrible mistake of kicking you to the curb and dumping you? By the time you are done reading this short article, you will learn five new tips that will help you learn how to get your girl back even if it seems hopeless.

1-Do You Control Your Emotions Or Do Your Emotions Control You?

Right now, being sad and depressed is not going to help you get her back. If it did, then millions of guys out there would have gotten their ex girlfriend back already. The best thing you can do is go out and have some fun with your life. Believe it or not you are still a complete person without her so don't waste your life away. She will not want you back if you are going to be sad.

2-You need to ignore her but not all the way

When she calls, don't pick up right away. Wait a few hours before you decide to return the call. When she asks you to hang out with her tell her that you are busy and you might be free in about a week or two. If you answer the phone right when it rings or show you are anxious to meet up with her this will make her realize how dependent on her you really are.

3-Don't be afraid to hang out with other girls

Women get jealous incredibly easy and right now you need to use that to your advantage. If she see's you hanging out with other girls it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Go out with some other girls and have fun. Try not to make it look like a date, just a hang out.

4-Now It Is Time To Begin The Flirting Process

Most men forget that smiles are one of the best ways to flirt with a girl, nex time you see her, whether it is at a party, at work, or at school, make sure you smile a lot at her. So many times men forget the power of a smile and how it can actually make girls like a guys more. When you talk to her try to make her laugh to show her your sense of humor. Try not to act like you are her "ex" boyfriend. Be the kind of person that she wants to be with right now.

5-Get ready to make the move

If the casual "flirting" isn't enough to make her want you back, then it is time to get romantic with her. Give her a lot of attention and gifts. Each time she walks in the room you need to act like she is the only person you see or care about. It is important to make sure you don't get clingy though.

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