Saturday, January 2, 2010

Matchbook Method Reviewed

By Charles Jackson

The idea behind Matchbook Method is to make it easy for the average guy to date girls that they would not normally be able to date!

It is supposed to be easy to date as many hot girls as you like by cleaning up your profile and sending out opening messages to girls on Facebook and Myspace!

The logic that you should have an attractive profile to make yourself more enticing to women is sound.

There was much sense provided about having the right kind of profiles and "social proof" wall posts and how you can go about getting them! When girls find that other girls find you hot, then shouldn't they also?

Advice provided such as turning your relationship status off to keep girls guessing and to be more of a challenge was something i would never have thought of!

Only when your profile is as suggested should you then pick one from a large list of opening messages to send out to girls! I found them extremely clever! However the author makes no over exaggerated claims as to their success!

The author claims and it's something i found also, that the Matchbook Method openers have a 1 in 3 success rate at getting a response from the girl! This why he suggests you send out multiple openers to many different women and play the numbers game!

The thing was though that almost every girl that did reply was "hooked!" There was no responses such as "who are you?" It was all then just a matter of following a response flow chart based on the girls reply!

Matchbook Method takes pride in it's claim that you will have a date set up within 4 exchanges on Myspace or Facebook with an extremely low "flake" rate! I certainly found this to be the case!

One problem i had with Matchbook Method was that i didn't feel that i was being truthful, using canned openers and responses. I certainly couldn't be myself! But getting out on a date with a hot girl certainly made me feel better about it. And that was an opportunity to be myself anyway!

Matchbook Method also provides advice for when you are actually on the date! Members also get access to the private Matchbook Method forum where there are lots of funny stories about peoples experiences on dates!

To conclude, i would recommend Matchbook Method. You will feel a little guilty at first, but going on lots of easy dates with hot girls will make you feel much better about it!

And because everything is done online, there is no fear of rejection that normally cripples many guys out in the real world!

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