Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How To Escape The Friend Zone

By Dana Goldberg

So there's a girl who you have known for a while and who you really like. She's good looking, funny, intelligent and kind and you spend half your time thinking about her. The problem is she thinks that you are just 'good friends' and you are just in the friends zone. However there are things that can be done to escape the friend zone.

First of all, make sure that you do not tell the person how you feel. This will make her feel uncomfortable, will make her feel uneasy, and will possibly cause a rift in your friendship. You need to keep your feelings bottled up until the right time when you have laid the groundwork.

You need to get along with your life without giving anything away. Keep looking at other women and flirting with them. Go on dates and have short term relationships. You may well find someone you like and your feelings for your friend may fade. Either way, you need to find a way to activate some sort of feelings of jealousy within your friend.

Its also important to establish some sort of physical contact - nothing too intimate, just a playful touch her and there without going over the top. You need to make it so that she is comfortable with the situation otherwise you will never get anywhere, and its important to remain subtle and not give your feelings away.

Next, show her that you would make an excellent boyfriend by acting very charming around her and displaying your personality in the best possible way. You need to show off your best side and also try to display yourself as a sexual, sexy guy by chatting openly about sex and making charming sexual innuendos.

Finally, when you have laid all of the foundations, go in for the kill and initiate a kiss during an intimate moment. Its not guaranteed to work if she really does only consider you a friend, but its certainly worth breaking a friendship in the pursuit of something more.

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