Monday, December 28, 2009

Three sure fire phrases you should incorporate into your pick-up vocabulary

By Jonny Cruz

When in-field there are three phrases that have taken my game to another level. Having a choice phrase that displays a fun side of your personality will reel a woman into your reality. These are some of the sure fire phrases that will add some edge to your game.

My first choice would be "How Dare You!?" said in a mock-serious tone. This is great to use anytime an HB does anything outside of your frame. For example, say this HB takes a sip of your drink, touches you accidentally, or delivers a snide remark, simply look at her with exasperation and say, "How Dare You!?" Its a fun way to show value. They will usually follow it up with a laugh and intrigue. Making a girl aware of her innapropriate behavior is excellent for re-framing. Its a great way to bust her balls.

Creating rapport is important when it comes to gaming an HB. One of my choice phrases to build rapport is "OMG, me too! You're starting to creep me out!" This phrase helps display commonalities that you both have. I like to play a game in-field where I tell a girl that we are going to say our favorite film on the count of three. I like to do this with a couple different scenarios, favorite television show, favorite cartoon growing up, etc. If you guys hit a match, its amazingly powerful. If not say, "I dig that movie too!" and give an anecdote or reason why. Don't just agree with her all the time have strong answers to the questions you ask her. What is even more powerful is if you can get your target to say, "OMG, me too!" You can guarantee attraction is blossoming

the last phrase I use is a device to re-frame an interaction. Say a girl says shes not going to go home with you, simply look with a smile and say, "I don't believe you!" Refusing to fall into her frame will throw them into a frenzy. She might respond with, "I'm NOT!" If so, simply laugh a little and say, "Look, you don't even believe you!" This will stop them dead in their tracks. Staying strong in your own frame will build amazing attraction.

Try these out in field and watch your game soar - Jonny Cruz

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