Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Unforgettable First Impressions

By Cathy Svedka

Granted, internet dating does change the whole first impression scenario a bit; sometimes we're going out on first dates with people who we've been communicating with for weeks or months or even years, in some cases.

On the other hand, just as many of us are still encountering promising singles in the real world as are delving into the wild world of internet dating sites. And in truth, most of us are doing all of the above. Hey, we're busy people who maximize our dating potential! It's just smart.

The variations in rules between the different arenas of romantic meetings can be a bit daunting. If you met person A in location B, is it okay to suggest activity C on the first date? Fortunately, some things stay universally true. At the top of this list? The ways in which you make an unforgettable first impression.

The tactics for making a good first impression have remained pretty much the same. It doesn't matter if you met at a friend's party, if you're finally meeting in person with that cutie who has been emailing you online or if your eyes met over a business lunch.

1. Look 'em in the eye and make it last

By making direct and lasting eye contact with your new acquaintance you're sure to communicate not only your confidence and honesty but also your interest. Fleeting glances are fine if you only want to sneak a peak, but locking looks opens the door to further communication.

Want to make a good impression but get bored of all that eye-time? Play little memory games with yourself; think about the exact color and shape of their eyes, as well as other qualities about their face. That way, you're not only making yourself come off as interested and connective but you're committing their face to your memory.

2. Let them have the control

So you're chatting up some fabulous new person you just ran into and you're having that old as the hills dilemma of wanting to seem interested without appearing over eager. What to do? Let them set the tone. Wait until they start talking and try to match their energy and excitement level. It's a great way to make sure you're not holding the conversation hostage and you can let go of worrying about seeming too detached or too worked up.

3. Almost touching but not quite

This one probably won't work in a professional setting where a firm handshake at the start and finish of a meeting is all that's really required. In a more personal setting you can get flirty with someone without actually touching them.

You'll convey a sexually charged undertone by almost, but not quite, touching someone's knee or shoulder. It'll leave them wanting more! Women especially love the almost intimacy while appreciating the fact that you're not being too forward physically.

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